Cantor Arts Center
328 Lomita Drive at Museum Way
Stanford, CA 94305-5060
Phone: 650-723-4177
Jennifer Steinkamp (U.S.A., b.1958), Still-Life 1, 2016. Video installation. Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, and Seoul. L.20.1.2019
Jennifer Steinkamp employs video and new media to create immersive and often interactive works of art. In Still-Life 1, she draws upon the story of Dutch and Flemish still life painting, also known as stilleven or nature morte to create a work that cleverly extends the terms of the genre—as Steinkamp's piece is anything but still.
Like other works in her oeuvre, this piece presents familiar natural elements in a moving format that entrances and mesmerizes. In this way, Steinkamp invites viewers to experience a new, twenty-first-century version of the aesthetic sublime.
The Cantor Arts Center is located at the intersection of Museum Way and Lomita Drive in the heart of the arts district on the Stanford campus. The Cantor faces the Bing Concert Hall across Palm Drive, northwest of The Oval and the Main Quad.
Parking is limited. Stanford has a new contactless process to pay for parking, using the ParkMobile app, website, or phone. Prior to your visit, we recommend you visit the Stanford Transportation website to learn more about the updated visitor parking process.